- SiteLink #1 : http://groups.google.com/group/humanities.music.composers.wagner/browse_thread/thread/f38dd8943d44b28b/599f8ffb6b220a74?hl=ko#599f8ffb6b220a74
HBO라는 TV 채널에서 방영하는 "Curb Your Enthusiasm"이라는 프로그램
중 한 에피소드에 관한 이야기.
래리 데이비드는 유대인이고 부인은 유대인이
아니다. 하루는 친구가 만든 영화 시사회에 참석했는데, 래리는 극장 로비에서 부인에게
"지크프리트 목가"를 흥얼거려준다. 며칠 있으면 부인의 생일이라 바그너가
부인 코지마의 생일 선물로 이 작품을 연주했던 일화를 말해준다. (사실은 그게 아니고
크리스마스였단다.) 부인은 감동하고 래리는 "지크프리트 목가"를 다시
흥얼거리는데, 갑자기 웬 유대인 남자가 와서는 '당신 유대인 맞아?" 하고 소리지른다.
그리고는 히틀러 얘기와 아우슈비츠 수감자들이 "마이스터징어" 음악에
맞추어 가스실로 행진했다는 얘기를 하기 시작한다. (Derrick Everett에 따르면 날조된
얘기라고 한다.) 그 남자는 래리에게 바그너를 좋아하다니 괘씸한 유대인이라고 욕한다.
후 래리는 그 남자의 밉살스런 딸에게 할로윈 사탕을 주지 않았다가 집안이 엉망이
래리는 부인의 생일을 위해 현악육중주단을 고용해 집 앞마당에서 "지크프리트
목가"를 연주시킨다. 부인은 코지마가 했던 것처럼 침실에서 나와서는 래리의
낭만적인 선물에 감동한다. 그러나 음악이 흐르는 동안 래리의 친구가 찾아와 골프를
치러 가네 마네 하면서 부인과 다툰다.
마지막 장면에서는 래리가 새벽 4시에
그 유대인 남자의 집으로 소규모 밴드를 데리고 가서 "마이스터징어" 전주곡을
(댓글로 달린 바그너-히틀러 얘기도 흥미로운데 시간 나면 자세히
읽어봐야겠다.) Wagner in a Sitcom
All 15 messages in topic - 트리로 보기 |
This is for those who keep track of Wagnerian appearences in
contemporary culture: I recently watched an episode of HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" that I'd Explaining Larry David and "Curb Your Enthusiasm" isn't easy. It's a In this Wagner episode, Larry and his wife are attending a premiere of Soon, Larry gets his house toilet papered because he refuses to give For Larry's wife's birthday, he hires a string quintet to play At the end, he gets even with the Jewish guy by bringing a small band |
On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 10:49:51 -0800, Praetorius wrote: The urban legend again (yawn). In fact, there is no evidence that the > Larry resumes humming the "Siegfried Idyll" and is rudely interrupted > by another Jewish man screaming "Are you a Jew?" at him. The man > brings up Hitler and the inmates of Auschwitz being marched off to > gas chambers to "Meistersinger". He calls Larry a "bad Jew!" (sort of > like, 'bad dog') for liking Wagner. camp orchestra at Auschwitz played Wagner, or even that they were asked to do so, or that they could have done so if they had been asked. The story is a malicious fiction. To put it bluntly: a lie, and one that I am tired of hearing. To those who are about to send me hate mail: to deny the urban legend Lies are lies. Regardless of whether they come from David Irving (is he Just my 2 cents. -- |
"Derrick Everett" news:pan.2006. Absolutely right - this lunacy about Wagner and the Nazis will never end I fear esp. when you trying to reason with brick walls. Richard |
At least this sitcom handles it with a good dose of irony :-)
"Moloch" news:1139345868.442754.125350@g43g2000cwa.googlegroups.com... > At least this sitcom handles it with a good dose of irony :-) Yes it made the irate customer at the movie theatre look like a fool - he was. Richard |
On 2/7/06 2:02 PM, Derrick Everett, at sparafucile1...@yahoo.com, wrote the
following: [snip] > The urban legend again (yawn). In fact, there is no evidence that the [snip] > camp orchestra at Auschwitz played Wagner, or even that they were asked to > do so, or that they could have done so if they had been asked. The story > is a malicious fiction. To put it bluntly: a lie, and one that I am tired > of hearing. Was there really an orchestra at Auschwitz? That doesn't fit with my idea Dick Partridge |
Well there is a lot of mirth here at someone's expense. Surprise
surprise it's not the Germans, who through the Nazification of Bayreuth, and the publication of the Bayreuther Blatter etc, gave rise to the so called Wagner-Nazi connection. This tired old horse needs a rest. I say "yawn" on the subject of Jews who wouldn't listen to Wagner. (anyway the number there is way overstated, I believe). One could discuss the German's prime culpability in creating that connection, but that would require a measure of subtlety and historical understanding, when it's so much easier and convenient to focus on someone hyperventilating in a movie theatre. Ralph |
As I said, "Curb Your Enthusiasm" isn't a show for the easily offended.
And it is a comedy that takes some getting used to. In one episode, I'm not sure most viewers appreciated the Wagnerian references in this I've been aware that the "Meistersinger" prelude (is it a prelude or an Interestingly, that while Woody Allen has used Wagner/Jewish jokes |
Praetorius wrote: > As I said, "Curb Your Enthusiasm" isn't a show for the easi |