2005년 1월 23일 일요일

슈톡하우젠의 반지

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슈톡하우젠이 바그너의 "반지"보다 긴 오페라를 썼다는 이야기. 25년동안이나 썼다니 슈톡하우젠의 난해한 모더니즘적 스타일이 그대로 들어있을 것인데 과연?

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목록안의 메시지 1
글쓴이:Nigel Curtis (cn_curtis@runbox.com)
제목:Wagner versus Stockhausen
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날짜:2005-01-20 02:57:59 PST
Have any of you been following Stockhausen's seven part "LICHT" opera
cycle? It  was completed last year -  some 29 hours of music writen
over 25 years. Mittwoch and Sonntag still have to be staged and the
other five are all awaiting a revival.

Is the cycle worthy of being spoken about in the same breath as
Wagner's Ring..?

Thanks Nigel Curtis

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목록안의 메시지 2
글쓴이:Derrick Everett (mimirswell@hotmail.com)
제목:Re: Wagner versus Stockhausen
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날짜:2005-01-21 02:43:41 PST
"Is the cycle worthy of being spoken about in the same breath as
Wagner's Ring..?"

No.  In fact, nobody speaks about Stockhausen any more.  They just
shake their heads.

Derrick Everett

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목록안의 메시지 3
글쓴이:Mike Scott Rohan (mike.scott.rohan@asgard.zetnet.co.uk)
제목:Re: Wagner versus Stockhausen
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날짜:2005-01-21 16:29:02 PST
The message <3f30d241.0501200257.48bf7da0@posting.google.com>
from cn_curtis@runbox.com (Nigel Curtis) contains these words:

> Have any of you been following Stockhausen's seven part "LICHT" opera
> cycle? It  was completed last year -  some 29 hours of music writen
> over 25 years. Mittwoch and Sonntag still have to be staged and the
> other five are all awaiting a revival.

The only one I can remember seeing is Donnerstag, and that...

> Is the cycle worthy of being spoken about in the same breath as
> Wagner's Ring..?

Maybe the cough at the end. Stockhausen's sonic language simply doesn't
have anything like the expressiveness of Wagner's, let alone his graphic
and dramatic powers. Heard out of context, it's just noise -- pretty
much the same *in* context, really, there seems to be no real human
anchor. Plenty of Stockhausen self-expression, maybe, but it doesn't
travel. A Bungert de nos jours.




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